mariesoleil comments on How would I go about making delicious beef jerky?

mariesoleil comments on How would I go about making delicious beef jerky?

Buy some beef. I buy inside round roast. You want to buy something fairly cheap, with as little fat as possible.

Cut the beef into strips. Aim for under 1/4". Cut off as much fat as possible.

Marinate overnight. (I prefer 24 hrs) Use whatever you want for marinade. I like to use teriyaki sauce with liquid smoke and a bit of Worcestershire sauce.

Lay out on dehydrator trays. Try not to let the strips touch. Rotate (spin/put them in different positions on the stack) the trays every six hours or so. It'll take about 24-36 hours.

I like to take the jerky out when it's still somewhat chewy, not completely dry. I don't know how long it would last in the bag, since I either eat it all within a couple days or give some of it away.